Quick contact info

Neat construction Ltd has been in the construction industry for over 35 years.Our main business being building construction in the early days.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday:8am to 5pm; Satuday: 8am to 2pm icon_widget_image Nairobi, Kenya icon_widget_image +254 113249519 icon_widget_image info@neatconstructionltd.com
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Property Development Projects

Property development projects


Proposed Aero court apartments in Westlands,Nairobi.

Architect: Dagliesh Marshal Johnson - M/s Neat construction ltd - Cost: KES 75,000,000


City Park apartments at city park estate,Nairobi.

Architect: Abdul Waheed Architects - M/s Neat construction ltd - Cost: KES 62,000,000



9 No. Town houses at Honey suckle gardens estate,Embakasi.

Architect: Jawkim Architects - M/s Neat construction ltd - Cost: KES 40,000,000